Space Invaders

A Clone of Space Invaders written in C++ using SDL2 and SDL_image. Source code is available on Github


Project Info
  • Language: C++
  • Libraries: SDL2, SDL_image and SDL_mixer

Used SDL2 for 2D rendering and input.

Every object in the game is derived from the Entity class which has Update(), Render() and HandleInputs() virtual functions, These functions can be overriden.

    class Entity
        Entity(const Vector& pos, const std::string& key, const float& scale, const std::string& tag);
        virtual ~Entity() = default;
        virtual void Update();
        virtual void Render(SDL_Renderer* renderer);
        virtual void HandleEvents(SDL_Event& event);
        virtual bool Destroy();
        Vector m_position;
        SDL_Rect m_textureRect;
        std::string m_tag;

        float m_scale;
        SDL_Texture* m_texture;

All the game entities are stored in a std::vector in the Game class and allocated on the heap during game initialization, The Game calls Update(), Render() and HandleInputs() functions for every entity if they have overriden them.

Every object that has collision is derived from the ICollidable interface, And Utils.h has the basic check for AABB collision detection.

    class ICollidable
        virtual ~ICollidable() {}

        virtual void OnCollision(ICollidable& otherCollidable) {}

The OnCollision() function is just to write the gameplay logic after collision.

For texture loading I used SDL_image. All the textures are loaded in an unordered_map in the AssetManager class. The Load() function load textures from the given filePath with the help of SDL_image’s IMG_LoadTexture function and stores them in the m_assetMap with the given key. This function is called during game initialization.

The Get() function returns the texture from the m_assetMap with the given key. It is called when an entity is initialized.

    class AssetManager
        AssetManager() = default;

        AssetManager(const AssetManager&) = delete;

        AssetManager& operator=(const AssetManager&) = delete;

        static AssetManager& GetInstance();

        void Load(SDL_Renderer* renderer, const std::string& key, const std::string& filePath);

        SDL_Texture* Get(const std::string& key) const;

        SDL_Texture* LoadTexture(SDL_Renderer* renderer, const std::string& key, const std::string& filePath);

        std::unordered_map < std::string, SDL_Texture*> m_assetMap;
For audio SDL_mixer is used. Audio loading is similar to texture loading and it’s written in the SoundManager class. It also uses an unordered_map for storing Mix_Chunk object which is loaded by the Load() function. The Load() function uses Mix_LoadWAV() function to load Mix_Chunk from a .wav file.
While working on the project I learned about basic object oriented features like Inheritance. Learned how to use and implement interfaces. I also gained understading of std::unordered_map. Learned about memory management, all the entities are stored into the heap and the memory is deallocated when necessary.