You Are Not Alone

You Are Not Alone is a 2D puzzle platformer made in Unity for a 48 hour game jam BYOG 2021. The game is available at


Project Info
  • Role: Game Programmer
  • Team Size: 2
  • Time Frame: 48 hours
  • Engine: Unity

It is a puzzle platformer game made for a 48 hour game jam. The theme for the jam was Two Views. Player can switch between it’s second view to solve puzzles.

While working on the game, I mainly focused on the dialogue system. We only had 48 hours so the dialogue system was very basic. I also helped in the user interface of the game.

While playing the game, player can see the dialogue only if it interacts with the npc. I created a DialogueTrigger class which checks whether the player is close to the npc or not and tells the DialogueManager that player is ready for npc dialogue.

Each dialogue sentence is stored in a string array in Dialogue class. The DialogueManager then types each sentence according to the user input.

    public class Dialogue
        public string name;

        [TextArea(3, 10)]
        public string[] sentences;
    IEnumerator TypeSentence(string sentence)
        dialogueText.text = "";

        foreach(char letter in sentence.ToCharArray())
            dialogueText.text += letter;
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.01f);


I also helped in making the user interface for the game and the basic scene transations between scenes. The UIManager class handle the main menu, pause menu and the scene transitions. The menues are controlled with the arrow keys.


Working on this project with someone other than myself taught me a lot. I learned how important communication can be when we had only 48 hours for the game. We discussed most of the things before implementing them into the game.